Genji crow zero hairstyle
Genji crow zero hairstyle

The fight scenes are a technical highlight for Miike who uses slow and fast motion techniques to stylize fights. At times the talking can be quite strong and crude, at others we are presented with human bowling pins that Tamao just kicks away with a giant ball in best manga manner when he has nothing else to do. Standing in strong contrast is the humor, of course, which is handled by the characters in a dead-pan way. Switching between brightly lit locations when things are at an ease or comedic and becomes darker whenever a serious fight ensues.

genji crow zero hairstyle

The school building and other sets exemplifies the chaos with its several graffiti paintings around it dirty, clutter, and decaying environments going along with the mood. Miike introduces a leather jacket mentality to the costuming that helps the actors to triumphantly peacock around, showing off their outlandish hairstyles and detailed costuming, generating attitudes and levels of threat without a line of dialogue needed to be uttered. He’s straightforward with the delivery of his story while visually amps up the look that perfectly suits it. Takashi Miike demonstrates a masterful understanding of the aesthetic required to perfectly adapt it chaotic material. Ensuring small ounces of chaos before the all out brawl consisting of (according to the film) over one hundred students. Given the serious tone and wild nature of its character the episodic pacing is rather fitting too. This is a result from episodic pacing that has a tendency to loose sight of who to follow and when to follow them. Where it does fail is giving a single character to emotionally invest in. Playing up the angle there is more meaning to becoming top dog where your status is literally an everyday fight for survival. Embracing the silliness of its plot the characters never once make it apparent how goofy it all is.

genji crow zero hairstyle

Allowing opportunity for humor ease the mostly serious characters and drama to add more meaning to the conflict. There is neither a define “good” or “bad” among the characters. From a double date to giving or receiving a good beating to prove their worth to faction leaders. Showing both Genji and Tamao recruiting members to grow their numbers in various ways. All the characters might love to fight, but the film is not afraid to show them to take a breather from using their knuckles. Characterization is thinly sprinkle throughout to show the characters softer side. Adults never pay much attention to the violence with some supporting the characters to continue on with their everyday activity.

genji crow zero hairstyle

None of the characters resemble real people rather are testosterone filled and anime-like teenagers.

genji crow zero hairstyle

It setup is over the top with numerous factions all fighting for supremacy in high school Suzuran. Some characters especially if their female get delegated to the background until needed. Populated with a large cast of two dimensional characters there is a lot of story threads that it needs to slowly get across before the promised big finale. Focusing on newcomer Genji Takaya plan to take down reigning school gangster Tamao Serizawa.


Once again, Miike’s adaptation of a manga outdoes it source material.Ĭrows: Episode Zero takes place in Suzuran High School, an all boys school full of delinquents and gangsters. In contrast Takashi Miike’s take on the manga simply titled, Crow, is more accessible while maintaining all of Miike’s signatures traits. Takashi Miike adaptation of “Ichi the Killer” stirred a lot of controversy for it depiction of exaggerated violence securing it popularity would be greater than the source material that inspired it.

Genji crow zero hairstyle